Characteristic crisis in a system with distinguishable strong and weak dissipation functions;
A fat strange set crisis in a piece wise-continuous system;
A sudden topological change of a strange repeller happened after a hole-induced crisis is reported.
报道一例映孔导致激变后发生的奇异排斥子的拓扑突变 。
Su UMa-type dwarf novas belong to cataclysmic variable stars, whose character is magnified explosion, i.
SUUMa -type矮新星属于激变变星 ,其特征是存在扩大了的爆发即超爆发。
The photometrically and spectroscopically observational properties of cataclysmic variables have been reviewed.
It has been applied to the analyses of theshort period oscillations in ctalysmic variable V795 Her and pre-cataclysmic variableHW Vir.
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