Development of mould combining punching and injection forming for switch contact finger socket;
Influence of injection conditions on mechanical performance of polyamide-6;
The relationship between the PA molding shrinkage and the injection process conditions;
Determination of Volatile Phenol in Water by the Segment Flow Injection Analysis;
Ethanol Injection Treatment of Simple Clinical Study of Breast Cysts;
Objective To investigate the effect of botulinum toxin A(BTA) injected into vocal cords for the treatment of adductor spasmodic dysphonia (SD) by direct lanyngoscopy.
目的 探讨双侧声带注射 A型肉毒毒素治疗内收性痉挛性发声障碍疗效。
The filling time steps were adaptively adjusted for flow calculation of injection molding;sub time steps of computing temperatures were calculated for each node according to local courant number,and the heat transfer analysis was conducted by the filled order of nodes.
The adaptively implicit algorithm was applied for numerical analysis of injection molding, and the fountain effects in melt fronts were numerical approximated.
Clinical study of the Yinxingye injections for treatment of cereb ral hemorrhage;
Verification of “Polysaccharide nucleic acid fraction of Bacillus Calmette Guerin in treatment of verruca vulgaris by lesional injections” published by “Chinese Journal of New Drugs and Clinical Remedies”;
Polysaccharide nucleic acid fraction of Bacillus Calmette Guerin in treatment of verruca vulgaris by lesional injections;
Clinical Observation of Surgery—Shaobei Injecting Method for 83 Cases of Circular Hemorrhoids;
Objective To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of needle and syringe exchange program among a community of injecting drug users (IDUs) on AIDS prevention.
干预区采用针具交换措施 (同伴教育员和医务人员在吸毒人群中宣传安全注射观念、提供免费针具、回收用过的注射器 ) ,对照区不采取任何干预措施 ,为期 10个月(2 0 0 2年 9月至 2 0 0 3年 6月 )。
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