Novel design of rubber molding for air spring;
First has outlined the rubber mold classification and the basic survey, analyzed the rubber mold to be in sole possession of the characteristic.
The present status of rubber mold and the design of rubber mold are introduced.
Based on rapid prototyping technology the silicon rubber mold for centrifugal casting is conveniently made.
硅橡胶模离心浇注装置结构简单 ,投资少。
Due to the big cost of the silicon rubber and low speed on manufacturing the silicon rubber molds,this paper propose a optimized method that the mould cavity and adaptive filling blocks are manufactured simultaneously with the prototyping part.
The surface treatments included electroplating hard chromium、ion-nitriding、and the newly developed ceramic hard film CrN, and compared the influence of different surface roughness on the pertormance of molding models surface roughness.
This article primarily analyzes the practical shortcoming of the current formula of plastic and rubber mold's shaping dimensions, and fully describes the influence the accuracy of the plastic and rubber dimensions on caused by its raw materials waving of contracting possibility.
在初步分析现有塑胶模成型尺寸计算公式在实际使用中存在不足和充分考虑塑胶收缩率波动对塑胶尺寸精度影响的基础上 ,从概率论的角度出发 ,提出了一种较为科学的修模余量的计算方
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