Through transferring water to arid-desert region, it formed a new oasis, that many irrigation farmland came from early fixed sand dune and no-irrigation farmland.
Influence of water diversion of Wangyu River on water environment of west Changshu City;
Comparative analysis of water diversion schemes for improvement of water environment in Zhangjiagang district;
Influence of water diversion along the lower Yellow River during flood period "02.9" on river evolution;
Impacts on bed evolution by mathematic model due to diversion works upstream of Jiantiao channel;
Influence of tide on deposition in urban streamway caused by diversion from macro tidal estuary;
The construction technology of drawing water tunnel of Zhaoshandu;
Focuses the researches on a eutrophication model after drainage of waste water and drawing water from the Qiantang River to the West Lake,the state variables in the model are phosphorus in algae cells,orthophosphate,phosphorus in detritus and phosphorus in sediment.
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