The known mass formulas of particles are introduced briefly.
Next, based on a modified more accurate GMO mass formula M=M 0+AS+B[I(I+1)-(S 2/2)] proposed by us, the relations between the parameters in the formula and the strengths of interactions are calculated.
然后 ,基于我们提出的更精确的修改的 GMO质量公式 M=M0 +AS+B[I(I+1 ) -(S2 /2 ) ],计算其中的参数与相互作用强度的关系 。
Further,a universal mass formula m=m 0+17n of hadrons is proposed.
得到重子的电磁质量差公式 ,各种强子的质量公式和轻子 -强子的质量关系 。
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