his paper analyzes removal procedure of decay heat of CEFR in an accident, a system analysis program is made to caculate outlet temperature and flux of core and other parameters in CEFR.
Based on the geology and tectonics of the Suichuan Reshui strike slip fault zone(SRF),and the Lujing uranium ore field located in the pull apart stepover of SRF,and abundances of heat producing elements(U,Th,K) of the Yanshanian granite hosting the uranium deposits,the radiogenic heat of the granite is calculated.
根据遂川—热水走滑断裂及其拉分叠接带的鹿井铀矿田的地质构造、矿化特征和产铀花岗岩中生热元素的平均含量 ,对矿田内花岗岩的放射性衰变热进行了初步的计算。
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