Transition from one - dimensional half infinitely high square potential well s energy levels to one - dimensional infinitely deep square potential well s energy levels;
Chaos in a Potential Well and Its Quantum Manifestation;
Planar cyclic and spherical potential-well models are proposed and employed to predict the electron counting rules for planar and spherical aromaticities and antiaromaticityies.
A new kind of double-well potential is studied, which is smoothly joined by three piecewise potentials with the form 1/2kx2 (k∈R) in one-dimension.
The quantum tunneling in the symmetric double well is spontaneous and active,while in asymmetric double well,even the strength of the electric field is little the quantum tunneling disappears completely.
It is of much significance that researches on the multi-quantized potential trough structure of light-luminescence have done to the analysis of material construction.
文章用数值逼进法研究了电场中量子势阱表面本征态效应 ,分析了极值的位置 ,定性、定量地解释了量子阱的光致发
It is of much significance to the analysis of material construction that researches on the multi-quantized potential trough structure and the light-Lumiresence are done.
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