The initial study achievements on looking for hidden uranium deposits by the earth current chemistry and thermomercury survey methods are investigated.
This paper studies the geochemistry and space distribution characteristics of mercury coming from soil by seating sampled from the land,river sides the parks in Chengdu city,and evaluates the pollution degree preliminary using the mercury coming from soil by seating firstly.
By means of HRR 3 heat release rate system of American ATLAS Electric Devices Company and according to Airworthiness Approval Tag of Federal Aviation Administration FAA.
采用美国阿特拉斯公司生产的 HRR3 热释放率系统 ,按照美国航空标准 ( FAA)要求测试厚度 1 5 mm杉木、5 mm胶合板、1 5 mm刨花板、1 5 mm中密度纤维板板材的燃烧热释放率 ( HRR) ,了解国内装饰装修板材的燃烧性
A set of experiment system is used for measuring heat release rate of fire in ISO 9705 standard room.
为获得可燃物燃烧的热释放率 ,详述了基于耗氧原理在ISO 970 5标准火灾试验房间内测量燃烧热释放率的整套实验系统 ,然后利用该系统分别测量了普通用来装修房屋的胶合板、沙发以及二者共存时的燃烧热释放率 。
Analyzes the method and principle of fire detection,discusses the atrium fire detection technology and the establishment of the computer supervision system,The supervision system is mainly usde to test the two important parameters in the fire:heat release rate and temperature.
分析了火灾探测方法和原理 ,探讨了中庭火灾探测技术和微机监测系统的建立 ,检测系统主要用于测试火灾中的两个特性参数 :热释放率和温度。
Thermoluminescence phosphor with high thermal stability MgSO_4:Dy,M n;
Application of single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol of thermoluminescence in physics experiment;
Thermoluminescence kinetics of natural potassium feldspar;
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