Production practice of Meishan's No. 1 BF with low fuel ratio;
s have been considerably improved,with the fuel ratio falling to within 530 kg/t,GC injection ratio reaching more than 130 kg/t,realizing the goal of long-term stable,balancing and high-efficiency production,since 2006.
Therefore,the fuel ratio can be predicted.
将两个参数代入到 Rist 操作线的物料平衡与热平衡方程中,来求解焦比及炉顶煤气利用率,进而达到预测高炉燃料比的目的。
The law of effect of raising coke breeze rate on consumption of BF fuel rate is described.
Numerical Study of Advanced CANDU Reactor Moderator Fluid Field and Temperature Field;
Research on Heat Removal Capability for Passive Moderator Residual Heat Removal System of TACR-1000 when Station Black-Out Accident;
Moderators work at temperature between 650℃ and 750℃ in space piles, in this case, zirconium hydride (atom ratio of H/Zr >1.
在空间堆中,慢化剂的工作温度范围为650~750℃,而在此温度下,H Zr原子比大于1。
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