Using the documentary datum and comparative method, the author studies some technology factors of Chinese-foreign long jumpers at the absolute speed, run-up speed, rate of the speed usage, take-off ability, etc, and analyses the existing diversity, based of these, the author makes some proposal for solving questions and increasing achievement.
A query algorithm with a high absolute speed costing low I/O based on set theory is given, and a query algorithm of high response speed based on parallel process is presented.
对多级安全加密数据库中缩短查询响应时间、提高查询绝对速度和查询算法通用性的方法进行了研究 。
The paper expounds briefly the absolute speed of ru n -up rhythm etc ,and attempts to improve sportsmen s long jump marks.
This paper discusses how the dynamic points and the dynamic reference system are selscted in composite movement and how the relative motion paths influence the computational points absolute velocity and absolute acceleration.
It was found that apart from his absolute velocity obviously lower than his opponents’, Huang Geng s velocity of the last 10m run up was also lower because of the influence of the absolute velocity.
通过对收集黄庚的比赛技术参数 ,从绝对速度、助跑最后 10 m的分段速度即节奏和快速起跳的能力三大方面与鲍威尔等世界级运动员进行对比分析 ,发现黄庚除绝对速度明显差于对方外 ,助跑最后 10 m的分段速度由于受绝对速度的影响也均低于鲍威尔等 ,且节奏正好与他们相反 ,呈减速趋势即后 5 m的分段速度低于前 5 m的分段速度。
The sheer rate of growth of content has already been noted.
Absolute Velocity Measurement by Spectral Domain Optical Doppler Tomography
Methods are available for the measurement of absolute velocity constants but they are by no means easy to apply.
Under the same relative velocity, two vehicles with slower absolute velocities have more transient aerodynamic influence on each other during the overtaking process.
Use of Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV) on Seismic Hazard Analyses for Nuclear Power Plant
At the rate you work, you'll never finish.
按你这样的工作速度, 你绝对做不完.
absolute photometry
An Experimental Study on the Influence of the Machining Depth on the Machining Speed in EDM of Insulating Ceramics
"If, however, magnetic tape is used, it is impossible to run both the tape and the camera at exactly the same speed."
The variation of the return rate constant k with different absolute temperature T deviates Arrhenius empiric equation.
②The absolute quantity of elder population is large, in which the amount is more at low age and increases fleetly to high age group.
②老年人口绝对数量大 ,低龄老人多 ,高龄老人增长速度快 ;
Putting Forward the Concept, Absolute Utilization Rate of Approach Speed in Long Jump and its Derivative Consideration;
absolute luminance threshold
absolute elevation
绝对高程;绝对高程;绝对高度;绝对高度;海拔; 海拔高程
simultaneous conformity phasing
And if we look into the coming century it is going to increase."
sensible measure of absolute space and time
standard method of test for absolute viscosity of asphalts
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