Two-phase Electromagnetic Stirring Inverter Based on Space Vector Oriented Control;
The high performance of two-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor is achieved by the application of TABU algorithm.
通过利用此优化算法对二相永磁同步电动机的设计方案进行优化设计是一种提高电动机综合指标较好的途径和措施 ,可以节省大量的人力和时间 ,缩短整个计算周期 ;而永磁同步电动机是多变量、多目标、多极值的隐函数的极值问题 ,因此文中引入了模糊数学的知识解决这个问题。
The results show that the strength and fracture toughness of the two kinds of composites are increased by the addition of the second phases, WC and ZrO2.
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