The experiment results in the paper show that quantitative additive putting in the hydration water can check the iron ion content of the monohydrate sodium carbonate,to attain the goal of improving the whiteness of dense soda ash,in the solid hydrated technological process.
在固相水合法生产重质纯碱工艺中 ,在水合水内加入一定量的添加剂 ,可抑制一水碱中Fe份对重灰白度的影响 ,从而达到提高重灰白度的目的。
Extraction of Effective Inhibitor Component of Rubus Tephrodes Hance;
Stuies on bacteriostastic comparison of Rubus tephrodes Hanceand Xanthium sibiricum Patrin;
ObjectiveThe experiment tests the bacteriostastic activity of different organs of Xanthium sibiricum patrin, Rubus tephrodes Hance and their organs different compatibility of medicines.
With the same method,the Erosayia Caputserpenti was calcinedto deep red, colded and it became grayish white.
The main concept of the method is to distinguish the depth of the slip plane with the extruding water content zone and the enriched gray clay zone determined from the samples taken by manual twist drill.
Parasitizing capacity of several trichogrammatid species on Ocinara varians;
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