- acceleration-student加速学习的学生
- accelerated child加速学习的儿童
- Cable Crossover Machine夹胸器
- Family education家庭教育
- Family health家庭卫生
- home card家庭联络卡
- Family factors家庭因素
- home and school club家庭与学校联谊社
- home economics education;household education家政教育,家事教育
- Price Theory价格学
- home-economics school家政学校
- assumed median假定中位数
- holiday course假日班,假日课程
- vacation school假期学校
- atavism间代遗传
- Shoulder Press肩膊推举
- indirect experience间接经验
- part-time teaching兼课
- pay for part-time teaching兼课钟点费
- prison school监狱学校
- Detection & Display Technique检测与显示技术
- thrift education俭约教育
- verification检定
- examination and recognition检核通过
- Center for Sponsored Research Projects建教合作中心
- construction-integration model建构―整合模型
- alternating plan;alternating system建教制度{就学与工作时间可轮替之制度}
- instinct of construction建造本能
- Introduction to Architecture Engineering建筑工程概论
- structure experiment建筑结构试验
- building-architectural budget建筑工程概预算
- Architectural Recognition Graph建筑识图
- Health and Physical Education健康与体育
- Cambridge plan剑桥制
- Marine Auxiliary Equipment舰船辅助机械
- amnesia健忘,遗忘
- instructor讲师,教师
- Instructional Copy Service Subsection讲义股
- professorial chair讲座教授
- lecture讲座
- fellowship奖学金,研究基金
- competitive scholarship examination;scholarship contest奖学金竞试
- Cross Lane交叉球道
- degrade降级,降等
- Decline Press角度推练习
- role play角色表演
- House of correction矫正院,感化院
- Christian education教会教育
- precept教规,训诫
- coach killer教练杀手
- denominational school;sectarian school教派学校{基督宗教}
- parish school;parochial school教区学校
- pedagogue教仆{古希腊},教育学者
- student-teacher;trainee teacher教生{英国17世纪中叶用法},实习教师{英国现行用法}
- Teachers and students教师和学生
- teachers' guild教师公会
- teachers' examination教师考试
- teacher rating scale教师评等制
- teachers' institute教师研习所{美}
- teacher tenure教师任期