absolve from
- They agree to absolve you from your obligation .
- 他们同意免除你的责任。
- I absolve you from your vows .
- 我解除你的誓约。
- To intervene in court proceedings shield your unlawful act absolve you from sentences beyond the laws and regulations of the receiving state .
- 不能干预法庭的审判程序,不能袒护你的违法行为,不能超越接受国法律和规定为你开脱罪责。
- They agree to absolve us from our obligation .
- 他们同意免除我们的责任。
- In any case it does not absolve china from its duty to treat fleeing north koreans humanely .
- 不管怎样,这都不会免除中国的责任,即人道地对待逃离的朝鲜人。
- Unlike the many absentees in my class who often abstained from attending the boring lectures I dare not absolve myself from this responsibility .
- 班里诸多缺席者常常是刻意回避那些无聊的讲座,我却不敢自作主张的免除听课的责任。
- I absolve you from all your sins .
- 我赦免你所有的罪过。
- My good cousin absolve yourself from that !
- 我的好姐姐,别自寻苦恼吧。
- This messiah was jesus christ who christians believe was sent to save mankind and absolve them from their sins .
- 基督教徒相信,耶稣是被派来拯救人类并协助人们摆脱罪恶的救世主。
- Such economic unilateralism and I do not intend here to absolve china or germany from their responsibilities sits uneasily with the multilateral engagement that is supposed to be at the heart of mr obama 's foreign policy .
- 这种经济单边主义在这里我不想为中国或德国开脱责任与理应成为奥巴马外交政策核心的多边接触策略不协调。