accede to
基本解释v. 同意,加入,就任
- But its existence stands in the way of turkey 's desire to accede to european union membership .
- 但是它的存在成为土耳其渴望加入欧盟的绊脚石。
- Philippines and kenya accede to the revised kyoto convention .
- 菲律宾和肯尼亚加入经修订的京都公约。
- Are we ready to accede to wto ?
- 加入世贸我们准备好了吗?
- The council of europe a strasbourg-based talking shop that requires members to accede to the european convention on human rights has made the death penalty a bar to membership .
- 设在斯特拉斯堡的清谈组织欧洲委员会要求其成员国加入“欧洲人权公约”,死刑遂成为加入该委员会的障碍。
- To exact agreement from the soviets kohl turned to bush who persuaded gorbachev to accede to unification and to accept the incorporation of a unified germany into nato rather than keep it neutral .
- 为了征得苏联的同意,科尔转而求助布什,让其劝说戈尔巴乔夫同意将东德纳入联邦德国,并且结束中立状态,以“统一的德国”的身份加入北约。
- American generals are frustrated with the situation but will probably accede to any request to stay put .
- 美国军官们对局势颇感沮丧,但他们很可能会同意任何要求他们继续驻守的请求。
- A senior aide to korean president lee myung-bak said earlier this week that south korea wouldn 't accede to any new move by japan to take the issue to the international court .
- 韩国总统李明博(leemyung-bak)的一名高级助手本周早些时候表示,韩国将不会同意日本为将该问题诉诸国际法庭而采取的任何举动。
- It also became clear over the weekend why north korea didn 't accede to u. s.entreaties to mend relations with south korea .
- 上周末,另一件事也趋于明朗,即朝鲜为何没有答应美国提出的修复与韩国关系的请求。
- To accede to such a contention would set a dangerous precedent .
- 同意这样一种论点会开启一个危险的先例。
- How by what empirical paths does the subject accede to this possibility ?
- 使用怎样的试验性途径,生命主体同意这样的可能性?