argue down
- Don 't argue aimlessly . Let 's sit down and talk things over .
- 别漫无边际地争论了。我们坐下来讨论一下吧。
- Don 't try to argue with him till he 's cooled down .
- 等他冷静下来再跟他争论。
- Indeed some analysts argue that chinese stocks are so beaten down that it 's time for a rally .
- 其实,有些分析师坚持认为,中国股票价格已经被压得很低,现在是触底反弹的时候了。
- Never argue with en idiot they drag you down to thein level and beat you with enperienee .
- 千万别和白痴争论,他们会把你拉低到和他们同等的水平,要用经验击败他。
- But opponents of the duties including lord mandelson the uk business secretary seized on the vote to argue that the commission should back down .
- 但包括英国商务大臣曼德尔森勋爵(lordmandelson)在内,该关税的反对者抓住延长建议被否决的机会表示,欧盟委员会应该放弃了。
- He and his followers argue that bringing down the cost of laptops and persuading governments in developing countries to buy and distribute millions of them could have enormous educational benefits .
- 他和他的追随者认为,不断降低笔记本电脑的成本并说服发展中国家的政府大量购买并分发这样的电脑将给教育业带来巨大好处。
- The bill is aimed at helping u. s.firms which argue that beijing 's policy of holding down the value of the yuan benefits china 's exporters by acting as a trade subsidy .
- 该法案旨在帮助美国公司,这些美国公司称北京压低人民币汇率的政策是一种变相的贸易补贴,中国出口商因此受益。
- Other industry sources argue that fracking fluids which are mainly comprised of water and sand break down naturally over a short time .
- 更有一线人士表示,页岩气井钻井液为天然人工合成的油基泥浆,短时间内可自然降解。
- Inflation hawks argue that the rate of rise in the prices of everything else should be driven down .
- 通胀鹰派人士认为,其它所有商品的价格涨幅都应该压下来。
- In a new article professor hilke brockmann from jacobs university in bremen germany and colleagues argue that the answer largely comes down to an increasing disparity between rich and poor ( brockmann delhey welzel & hao in press ) .
- 德国不来梅jacobs大学教授hilkebrockmann和他的同事在其最新论文中指出,这种现象应归因于不断扩大的贫富差异(brockmann,delheywelzel&hao)