- It is another thing to say correctly that there is no neutral common ground to which an experienced nazi philosopher and I can repair in order to argue out our differences .
- 说正确地不存在一位经验丰富的纳粹分子和我可以赖以论证我们的差异的中立的、共同的基础则是另一回事。
- Scientists have to discuss and debate and argue and figure out if it 's right or wrong .
- 必须经过科学家们的讨论、争论和辩论,这才能确定其真伪。
- Do you think we can argue the question out this afternoon ?
- 你认为今天下午我们能够把这个问题辩论清楚吗?
- First they argue that growth is bottoming out .
- 首先,他们认为增长放缓已达到底部。
- Although microsoft 's fortunes in mobile software have fallen ( it 's now the no.5 player ) chou and others at htc argue there are customers out there who do want what windows phone 7 has to offer .
- 尽管,微软在手机软件业的理论下降(它目前排名第五),周和htc的其他人士均认为认为还是有顾客不想要windowsphone7提供的服务。
- The optimists argue yes pointing out that fiscal deficits and public debt are low in china and that the country has the resources to engineer a rapid fiscal stimulus in a short period of time .
- 乐观者认为可以,他们指出,中国的财政赤字和国债都很低,国家有财力在短时间内发起对经济的快速刺激。
- The entrenchment of fiscal rectitude across the eurozone weakens critics who argue germany is bailing out feckless southern europeans .
- 整个欧元区都开始奉行财政紧缩,削弱了批评者认为“德国正在救助不负责任的南欧国家”的论调。
- Defenders of private equity operators argue that by ruthlessly squeezing out costs these traders add to the efficiency of the economy .
- 捍卫私人资产经营辩称被无情地挤出费用,这些贸易商增加了经济效率。
- Critics of mr gates argue that he is hollowing out the armed forces and accepting a diminished position for america in the world .
- 盖茨先生的批评人士认为盖茨是在蛀空美国的军事力量并接受了美国国际地位的下降。
- From coverage of $ 100 million wall street salaries to the millionaire tax the media has given conservatives and pro-wealth businesses plenty of fodder to argue that the press is out to get the rich .
- 从华尔街1亿美元薪水到百万富翁税,媒体的报导给了保守派和偏袒有钱人的企业大量口实,认为媒体是故意跟有钱人过不去。