argue out of
- You might argue that keeping american technology out of foreign satellites was always the intention of the legislation even if that harmed american firms .
- 你也许会认为不让国外的卫星拥有美国航天技术就是立法的原意,即使这样做会损害美国公司的利益。
- Most importantly I would argue bion 's contribution to kleinian theory is an advancement which moves her theoretically conceived subject out of a solipsistic world of phantasy generated by instinctual drives .
- 最重要的是,我要说,比昂对克莱茵理论的贡献是将她的理论上设想的主体移到自我中心的空想(由本能驱力产生)世界之外。
- Fifth it is hard to argue in favour of exceptional interventions to bail out the financial sector at times of crisis and also against exceptional interventions to recoup costs when the crisis is past .
- 第五,在危机期间,我们很难找出理由去支持为了挽救金融部门而实施的超常干预,而危机过后,我们也很难找出理由去反对为了收回成本而实施的超常干预。
- Gino and pierce argue that toby 's staff was faced with the same kind of decision : future abstract consequences or help out the very real person in front of them .
- 基诺和皮尔斯认为托比的员工面临着同样的决策:未来的抽象的后果,或者帮助他们面前那个真正需要帮助的人。
- They argue that it is important to scale absolute amounts by the country 's base money supply pointing out that the effect of a $ 1 billion intervention by singapore has a much bigger effect on the domestic economy than simila
- 他们认为相比一个国家的基础货币供应量来衡量绝对的货币干预量是很重要的,新加坡10亿美元的干预量对国内经济的影响要比相同数量的干预在中国的影响大许多。
- Defenders of private equity operators argue that by ruthlessly squeezing out costs these traders add to the efficiency of the economy .
- 捍卫私人资产经营辩称被无情地挤出费用,这些贸易商增加了经济效率。
- His enemies argue that he divided europe by launching an illegal war ; he kept the uk out of the eurozone and the schengen agreement ; he is contemptuous of democracy ( surely a qualification ? )
- 他的政敌认为正是布莱尔发动的非法战争将欧洲分裂开来;也正是他将英国排除在欧元区和申根协定之外;此外,他还蔑视民主(他真的有这个资格?)
- Some argue that nintendo should follow its erstwhile rival sega out of consumer hardware altogether earning its living purely from its strong stable of intellectual property such as the mario and zelda gaming franchise
- 有些则争论说,任天堂应当学习其前对手日本世嘉公司选择完全退出用户硬件系统领域,专注于其强大、稳定的知识产权,比如马里奥和塞尔达游戏的特许经营权。
- The entrenchment of fiscal rectitude across the eurozone weakens critics who argue germany is bailing out feckless southern europeans .
- 整个欧元区都开始奉行财政紧缩,削弱了批评者认为“德国正在救助不负责任的南欧国家”的论调。
- However critics of this system argue that the norms established by cs are out of date and based on small sample sizes .
- 然而,该系统的批评者这认为cs所提供的常模已经过时且其取样过小。