at a word
- I can mount his enthusiasm at a word .
- 我只要说一句话就可以激发他的热情。
- I have seen you tremble and lose countenance at a word .
- 我看到你听到那话后马上身子发抖,脸色也变了。
- At a word from him you can be fired you know .
- 你知道的,只要他讲一句话你就会被解雇。
- Evidently his wife was not going to patch up peace at a word .
- 他的太太显然不是用一句话就可以和解的。
- Laugh at a word that translates you .
- 笑话笑翻你的一句话。
- At a word my husband will come .
- 只要我说一声,我丈夫就会来。
- At a word from his owner the dog moved to heel .
- 主人一招呼,狗就跟在他身后了。
- At a word he came to take the situation at hand .
- 他不容分说就前来处理当前的局面。
- At a word from their teacher the children started to tidy away their books .
- 老师一下指令,孩子们就开始收拾起他们的书包来。
- He is all-powerful even with the king ; he would crush you at a word .
- 因为他过去的历史是无可指摘的,而他的地位又几乎是不可动摇的。