- It is a product yes you can but it and yes it has a release management process for new versions .
- 这是一个产品,是的,可以肯定的是对于新的版本他有一个版本管理流程。
- Well you can but your lives will be filled with a stream of indifference disunity and challenges .
- 那末你可以但你的糊口会因他的冷漠不连合以及布满挑战的流。
- Lavish her if you can but not at the cost of being bankrupted .
- 如果可以的话,慷慨地对待她,但是不要以自己破产为代价。
- We can but hope that things will improve .
- 我们只能希望情况会好转。
- I want to confess as openly as I can but my heart is empty .
- 我想敞开胸怀忏悔但我的心空空如也.
- This is by far the worst it 's ever been he says . We 're working as fast as we can but these ships just keep arriving .
- “这是到迄今为止最糟糕的情况,”他说道:“我们正在尽可能快地工作,但这些船还是不断地到这里。”
- Peter smerdon spokesman for the u.n. world food program says kenya is doing all it can but that logistics are a major problem .
- 联合国世界粮食组织的发言人彼得-斯莫德说,肯尼亚已经尽了最大努力,但是后勤供应仍然是最大的问题。
- He can but admit that it was his fault .
- 他只得承认这是他的错误。
- It can but read the statement underlined again .
- 可以,但是请再读一遍划线的句子。
- His father can but know a few letters .
- 他的父亲只能认几个字母。