chime with
- But the views of asian governments do not always chime with those of their public .
- 但亚洲各国政府的观点并不总是与民众一致。
- Unusual business cards need to chime with the business .
- 与众不同的商务名片“需要与企业本身相协调”。
- Such moves seem to chime with early public-opinion polls .
- 这样的行动似乎和早期的民意调查相一致。
- That may chime with the strongly protectionist views of the participants .
- 这或许符合一些与会的极端贸易保卫主义者的胃口。
- The government has neither confirmed nor denied the authenticity of the leaked draft curriculum . But its contents chime with many official statements .
- 委内瑞拉政府目前对被公开的拟定课程的真实性不置可否,但是其内容和官方的说法基本是一致的。
- The house republicans whose views chime with those of barack obama 's administration are only echoing much of us business .
- 与奥巴马政府观点一致的美国共和党众议员,只是代表了部分美国企业的态度。
- These draconian laws chime with the government 's general dislike of dissent .
- 这些严刑峻法与政府对不同政见的普遍厌恶步调一致。
- But there is one thing about juyi that does not quite chime with wenzhou 's reputation for rugged individualism .
- 不过关于巨一,有一点与温州粗俗的个人主义(ruggedindividualism)名声并不相符。
- Plain packs may chime with a global back-to-basics mood .
- 简装可能正和全球范围内“回归本质”的情绪相契合。
- His observations chime with a trend in british classrooms to cut back on traditional teaching and to personalise learning .
- 他的观察与英国课堂的趋势一致,就是缩减传统教育,开始个性化的学习。