commit to
- Commit to do more in the future if necessary .
- 承诺未来在必要的时候做更多事情。
- Will they commit to the reforms needed to make their economies more competitive ?
- 他们是否将致力于实施让经济更具竞争力的改革?
- Thus the leaders in london need to commit to much more than a vague promise to resist protectionism .
- 因此聚首伦敦的各国领袖们必须致力于解决贸易保护主义,而不是仅仅做个含糊的承诺。
- Break it down into weekly goals and commit to them .
- 然后细分为每周所需完成的目标,努力实现它们。
- Someone purposely convinces you to commit to something at just the right time when you would have otherwise said no. this commonly occurs when you 're in a hurry or mentally fatigued .
- 有意选择恰如其分的时候说服你答应某件事通常是你正匆匆忙忙或思维困顿的时候,换做别的时候你肯定会说“不”。
- Commit to paying yourself first .
- 首先承诺付给你自己。
- This is because they cannot afford the monthly payments and cannot commit to an 18-month contract .
- 这是因为他们没有能力实现月供,也不能承诺18个月的合同。
- By making a conditional offer of assistance barroso was seen as trying to get them to commit to more specific action .
- 普遍认为,巴罗佐是在通过提出有条件的援助来争取让他们承诺更具体的行动。
- Today 's pledge from singh comes a day after the white house said obama would commit to cutting emissions before the copenhagen meeting gets underway .
- 在辛格今天作出承诺的前一天,白宫表示奥巴马将在哥本哈根会议召开前在减少温室气体排放上作出承诺。
- Will you commit to try this exercise today ?
- 你今天会做这个小练习吗?