eligible for
- To simplify the process nhtsa released a list of cars eligible for the exemption .
- 为简化流程,交管局公布了一份获得豁免资格的汽车名单。
- But to be eligible for transfer on august 18th mr megrahi dropped this appeal .
- 但由于已经具备了回国的资格,8月18日麦格拉希放弃了它的申诉请求。
- Only some of their students are eligible for state-subsidised loans .
- 这些学校只有部分学生有资格获得国家资助贷款。
- The board will also assess whether people convicted of human-rights abuses are eligible for pardons .
- 委员会也会评估因滥用人权而被判决有罪者是否符合原谅的资格。
- Individuals over 65 are eligible for one free health care visit each year .
- 65岁以上老年人口,每年可以免费获得1次健康管理服务。
- Only those with incomes of 130 % of the poverty level or less are eligible for them .
- 只有那些收入比贫困线高1.3倍的或者更少的人才有资格得到食品券。
- President clinton signed into law welfare reform so people actually have to look for a job before being eligible for welfare .
- 克林顿总统签署了福利改革法律,因此人们实际上不得不在有资格享受福利前先找一份工作。
- Millions of students and parents paying for college tuition are now eligible for up to $ 2500 under the american opportunity credit .
- 数以百万计的学生和家长在美国借贷机会的帮助下,有资格支付的大学学费高达2500美元。
- Gay married couples are still not eligible for federal benefits .
- 同性恋已婚夫妇仍然享受不了联邦提供的好处。
- Middle-income households and recent graduates will also be eligible for affordable housing .
- 中等收入家庭和应届毕业生也将有资格申请保障住房。