- He hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist .
- 他突然想出了一个挫败他的对手的计划。
- I hit upon a good plan .
- 我想到一个好计划。
- The early pioneers of economic thinking may have hit upon their maxims of practical wisdom without having had much cognisance of the underlying theoretical grounds .
- 早期经济思想的先驱们也许在并未完全理清深刻理论基础的情况下获取到了他们那些于实践智慧中的见解。
- At last she hit upon a room that suited them nicely .
- 最后她找到了一间适合他们使用的房间。
- It might take a few failed attempts and dead ends before you finally hit upon the true purpose of your life .
- 可能要经过几次失败的尝试和困境,你才能最终偶然发现你人生的真正目标。
- She hit upon a clever scheme .
- 她突然想出了一个很妙的主意。
- Finally they hit upon a strategy .
- 最后他们想出了一条计策。
- Two years ago mark akeson and colleagues at the university of california santa cruz hit upon a possible solution .
- 两年前,加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的马克阿开逊和同事们,突然想出了一种可能解决的方案。
- The falcons and the gwcc have hit upon a solution : a new stadium with a retractable roof more seats and a larger share of premium seats .
- 猎鹰队和场馆营运商gwcc集团想出了一个新方案:一个配有可伸缩顶部、座位更多、贵宾席比例更高的新球场。
- She hit upon the perfect title for her new novel .
- 她灵机一动为自己的新小说找到了一个理想的书名。