Most sovereign stakes are large - so hard to sell in a hurry .
They believe mr strauss kahn then left in a hurry leaving his mobile phone behind .
Since they were in a hurry the shredders tended to stuff all the bits of a given document into a single bag .
You 'll enjoy your time much more if you 're not constantly in a hurry .
Someone purposely convinces you to commit to something at just the right time when you would have otherwise said no. this commonly occurs when you 're in a hurry or mentally fatigued .
Without a doubt that is the quickest way to end your lovemaking in a hurry .
The inflow of eu money for modernisation of infrastructure softened the effects of the fiscal squeeze in countries that had to sort out their public finances in a hurry .
For young men in a hurry that 's an inconvenience ; for middle-aged women caring for families this corporate reassignment policy amounts to sex discrimination .