- In contrast to the war years azerbaijan is flush with cash from oil and gas .
- 和战争年代相比,现在的阿塞拜疆得意洋洋的数着出售石油和天然气而赚来的钞票。
- Overall we think the non-manufacturing sector is doing fine in contrast to the manufacturing sector .
- 我们认为,相比制造业,中国非制造业的整体情况还是不错的。
- The institute itself stands in contrast to the scruffy university .
- 这所学院本身就与破旧的大学形成鲜明的对比。
- This finding is in contrast to that discovered in prior research efforts .
- 这一研究结果与在早前的研究成果形成了鲜明的对比。
- This is in contrast to the industrial policy of the 1980s in which governments helped pick winners among domestic industries .
- 这和上世纪80年代的工业政策相反,当时各国政府都在国内产业中帮助挑选赢家。
- These sensible incentives stood in contrast to perverse incentives elsewhere .
- 这些明智的激励手段与其他国家荒谬的激励手段形成鲜明对比。
- In contrast to yesterday zaidi 's three brothers were remaining tight-lipped about his next move .
- 和昨天不同,扎伊迪的三个兄弟对扎伊迪接下来的行动三缄其口。
- In contrast to the levy some of the world 's leading airlines and airport operators today proposed a different scheme to enable the aviation industry to contribute to the fight against climate change .
- 与征税提议形成对照的是,几家世界主要航线及机场的运营商们今天提出一份不同的使得航空业能够为对抗环境变化贡献力量的计划。
- In contrast to his patchy performance in congo and elsewhere mr moreno-ocampo is trusted by many kenyans .
- 与他在刚果和其他地方糟糕的表现相比,在肯尼亚moreno-ocampo还是被许多人信任的。
- In contrast to their tolerant attitudes only 4.4 percent of the respondents had correct knowledge about sexual health while 14.4 percent were aware of hiv transmission and prevention .
- 相对于他们的宽容态度,仅仅4.4%的调差对象有正确的性健康知识,而只有14.4%的人知道hiv的传播途径和预防方法。