That year there were just five websites in existence .
All is an illusion which gives us the wonderful opportunity to play with everything in existence .
Today it still rates among the top ten longest bridge spans in existence .
Children are the most frustrating annoying creatures in existence but they 're also the most wonderful little beings in the world .
Aol still in existence today later on made the internetpopular amongst the average internet users .
Our existing system what I call a capitalist world-economy has been in existence for some 500 years and has for at least a century encompassed the entire globe .
The google books team is working on counting and digitizing every book in existence .
This must be the best watering-place in existence .
Deep throat : mr. mulder why are those like yourself who believe in existence extraterrestrial live on this earth not dissuaded by all the evidences to the contrary ?
This house and corridor which have now disappeared were in existence fifteen years ago .