in the same breath
- So we can 't go to the media and newspapers in the same breath !
- 所以我们不能去和报纸这些媒介去相提并论!
- So the contemporary drinkers can not mention in the same breath with the traditional drinkers .
- 当代饮酒者是不可能与历史上的传统酒人相提并论的。
- I don 't see how you can talk about these two things in the same breath .
- 我不明白你怎么能把这两件事相提并论呢?
- But the fact remains that the low-end performance and solid-state hard drives and high-end solid-state hard drive can not be mentioned in the same breath .
- 但事实证明,这种低端固态硬盘的性能并不能和高端固态硬盘相提并论。
- Although the chinese also raise dogs and love then they will absolutely not mention the animals with people in the same breath .
- 中国人虽然也养狗,也很喜欢狗,但是绝对不会把狗和人相提并论。
- People who have worked hard will never be pleased to be thanked in the same breath as people who have not .
- 工作努力的人看到自己与那些工作不努力的人同时得到感谢,他们永远不会感到高兴。
- He says he is never going to see her again and in the same breath he asks when he can phone her .
- 他说他永远也不会去见她了,可同时他又问什么时候可以给她打电话。
- She says the treatment is safe and then in the same breath says that patients should be warned about possible side-effects .
- 她说这种治疗是安全的,但同时又说应该警告病人可能出现的副作用。
- In the same breath politicians and watchdogs chastise financial groups for not lending more to businesses and consumers to kickstart the stalling economic recovery .
- 同时,政界人士和监管机构指责金融集团没有向企业和客户提供更多贷款,以启动陷入停滞的经济复苏。
- They are not be mentioned in the same breath .
- 他们不可同日而语。