keep around
- Brokers charge banks a commission on every trade and individual brokers can expect to keep around 60 % of the commissions they earn .
- 经纪人对每笔交易收取银行佣金,个体经纪人有望保留他们赚取的佣金的60%。
- But aaron is useful to keep around .
- 但是aaron可以帮助他们维持生活。
- And people will fight much more to keep around companions that are happier and prettier .
- 为了和更快乐更漂亮的伴侣呆在一起,人会更加的努力。
- In america the big studios keep around half of box-office receipts . In china hollywood studios keep only a quarter .
- 大型电影公司在美国大约保持获得票房收入的一半,而在中国至只有四分之一。
- I keep around 20 % of my assets in cash at a private bank but I treat it just like a normal commercial bank account .
- 我把20%左右的资产留作现金,放在私人银行里,但以普通商业银行帐户的方式对待它。
- If you cut certain kinds of worms in half the halves will often keep crawling around and going about their vermiform business as if nothing had happened .
- 如果你将某种蠕虫一切两半,两部分经常继续爬行,保持各自的蠕虫形态,仿佛什么都没有发生过。
- What 's interesting about facebook 's hackamonth is that retention initiatives aren 't usually associated with venture-backed companies ; the potential for a cash-out from a sale or ipo is usually enough to keep employees around .
- facebook的hackamonth有趣之处在于,保持原创精神通常不存在于风险资本支持的公司;通过出售或上市的方式套现足以使员工保持履行职责。
- Looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer .
- 殿下,你巧妙地让我多待一会儿。
- If not I will never keep him around in one piece .
- 如果不是,我也会把他撕成碎片。
- Something 's keep looking around everywhere .
- 有点不对劲。你一直在四处张望。