lay siege to
基本解释v. 包围,围攻,努力追求
- We will gather our fleet and lay siege to your world .
- 我们将集合舰队包围你们。
- If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle lay siege to that city .
- 若不肯与你和好、反要与你打仗、你就要围困那城。
- They will lay siege to all the cities throughout your land until the high fortified walls in which you trust fall down .
- 他们必将你困在你各城里,直到你所倚靠、高大坚固的城墙都被攻塌。
- Even now they lay siege to his castle .
- 现在他们已经包围了他的城堡。
- In 1911 police lay siege to anarchist assassins in a london street .
- 1911年,警察在伦敦街头包围了无政府主义暗杀分子。
- Lay siege to castles in the pouring rain or send your cavalry against a horde of skeletons in the heat of the scorching desert .
- 躺在倾盆大雨围攻城堡或发送对一个骷髅在炎热的沙漠高温部落你的骑兵。
- Reports are emerging from the city of residents clashing with police as they lay siege to shops and supermarkets in the search for food .
- 报道发自包围商店和超市搜寻食物的居民们和警察发生冲突的城市。
- By the laws of succession he would be france 's rightful king but to gain the throne he had to lay siege to paris and eventually convert to catholicism force said .
- 根据继承权法,他是名正言顺的国王,但是要去得到王冠他必须去围攻巴黎并最终成为天主教徒。
- Engage in epic siege warfare deploying mighty siege engines to lay waste to destructible buildings in your path .
- 从事史诗攻城战,攻城部署强大奠定您的路径废物毁坏的建筑物。