live from hand to mouth
- Some even live from hand to mouth .
- 他们有的甚至难以糊口。
- These people live from hand to mouth on berries and roots .
- 这些人靠浆果和根茎委曲过活。
- Now we 'll have to live from hand to mouth !
- 现在我得紧巴巴的过日子了!
- When I had no job last winter I had to live from hand to mouth .
- 去年冬天没找到工作,我不得不过着勉强糊口的生活。
- In practice they must live from hand to mouth .
- 事实上,他们必须勉强度日。
- They live respectably from hand to mouth .
- 他们过着可尊敬的,自食其力的生活。
- They have always lived from hand to mouth .
- 他们一直过着勉强糊口的日子。
- When I was first married I didn 't have a job and we had to live from hand to mouth .
- 结婚初期,我没有工作,因此我们两个人只得过吃一顿算一顿的生活。
- We always lived from hand to mouth in those days .
- 那时候,我们老是过着朝不保夕的生活。
- The poor man lived from hand to mouth .
- 那个穷人的生活只够糊口。