make fast
- You can make fast work of it.we just have to dig that hole .
- 我们在挖这种坑时可以非常地快。
- Magic artifacts that make fast work !
- 神奇的文物,使工作快!
- With the increasingly drastic marketing competiton enterprises must be able to make fast reorganization to its transaction procedures .
- 随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业必须能够对其业务进行快速的重组。
- We just need to make fast decisions ! Okay ? All right where are we gonna have it ?
- 我们只要决断些就行!对不?好,我们在哪里办?
- Disney also moved to make fast food in its parks more healthful .
- 同时迪士尼也将其公园内的快餐店变得更加健康起来。
- Take tugs towing line to capstan then make fast on starboard quarter .
- 将拖船拖缆上缆桩,并在右后挽牢。
- May I suggest that you first make fast the door .
- 只好请你先把舱门关紧。
- So what we can do is make fast movements more smooth in between the frames .
- 因此我们能做的就是让快速运动在帧间更加平滑。
- They make fast ( sometimes rash ) decisions and are comfortable multitasking and risk - taking .
- 他们会飞快地(有时是鲁莽地)作出决定,能够自如地同时应对多项任务,并且不怕冒险。
- You had to be sure-footed and ready to make a fast getaway .
- 你必须放稳脚步,准备迅速起跑。