- Unilever wants to beef up its market share in hair care .
- 联合利华希望提升自己在护发品市场的份额。
- This helps google snap up market share in places where subsidies aren 't as widely used .
- 这让谷歌在一些运营商补贴尚不普遍的国家赢得了市场份额。
- Exchanges and rivals such as bloomberg have been eyeing opportunities to grab market share in the overhaul .
- 交易所以及彭博等竞争对手一直伺机在这一转型过程中抢占市场份额。
- The u.s. company has lost market share in search and other online services to chinese rivals .
- 这家美国公司已经将搜索及其他网络服务的市场份额输给了中国本土的竞争对手。
- Please share in the comments .
- 那么就请拿出来分享一下吧。
- Last year putzmeister had a market share in concrete pumps in china of just 2 per cent .
- 去年普茨迈斯特在中国混凝土泵市场所占的份额仅为2%。
- Bp and carbon conscious will share in the value of the carbon offsets .
- bp公司和carbonconscious公司将分享这项目碳中和的价值。
- Now us anglophones can share in the qq craze too .
- 现在我们英文母语者也可以共享这个qq时尚了。
- Please do share in the comments .
- 请一定要在评论中分享啊。
- It has gained or held market share in all big markets except colombia .
- 如今该公司已得到了除哥伦比亚以外所有大型股市的股份。