- He interpreted the laughter as meaning he 's a spy-and he 's shut away in there !
- 仿佛那笑声就是这样的意思:“关在那里了,一个奸细!”
- They feel very shut away in that remote little cottage .
- 他们觉得在那座偏远的小屋里非常闭塞。
- I hate being shut away in the country .
- 我很不喜欢住在闭塞的乡村。
- You keep yourself shut away in an alien world one that I can 't enter .
- 你把自己与世隔绝,你的这个世界,是我不能尝试进入的。
- Often such people were shut away from the ordinary people as if they had done some terrible crime .
- 这些人常常被关起来,同常人隔离,就像他们犯了什么大罪一样。
- It seems a shame to spend the whole of your youth shut away studying .
- 你把整个青春时期都用在闭门学习上似乎是个遗憾。
- Everything went on there below these lamps shut away from him .
- 那些路灯下形形色色的事都有,就是与他无关。
- He spent monday shut away in a room with two other young people suspected of having caught the virus .
- 他与另外两个年轻人被怀疑感染了病毒,在隔离病房度过了星期一。
- Laura : you keep yourself shut away in an alien world one that I can 't enter .
- 劳拉:你把自己与世隔绝,你的这个世界我进不去。
- Laura : you keep yourself shut away in an alien world one that I cant enter .
- 劳拉:你把本身与世隔尽,你的这个世界我进不往。