soldier on
- Just another soldier on a road to nowhere .
- 只是另一个上路无行止的士兵。
- Though hugely impractical and exceedingly unbelievable the situational simulation that raiden finds himself in is actually an elaborate machine meant to replicate a soldier on par with solid snake .
- 虽然十分不现实而且极为不可信,雷电发现自己身处的情境模拟,竟是一台精密的机器在试图复制索利得斯内克一般的战士。
- Until the first world war and an encounter at the age of 38 with a soldier on a beach near alexandria he was painfully virginal .
- 直到第一次世界大战爆发,38岁的福斯特在埃及亚历山大港附近的海滩邂逅了一名士兵,他他还是内心痛苦的童男。
- A sniper hide on a roof picked off three of the soldier on patrol .
- 藏在屋顶上的狙击手击毙了三名巡逻兵。
- His intention was to soldier on in office for up to two years .
- 他的意图是要继续坚持任职两年。
- The soldier on the island put up a stout resistance .
- 岛上的士兵顽强抵抗。
- The soldier on guard challenged the strangers who tried to come in .
- 值班士兵查问那些想进门的陌生人。
- During the nazi years every newlywed couple in germany and every soldier on the front received a free copy .
- 在纳粹当政期间,德国的每对新婚夫妇和前线的每个士兵都会免费得到一本《我的奋斗》。
- Those numbers just scratch the surface : a case is confirmed only after a lab test is sent to the cdc . Many sick people just soldier on without even seeing a doctor .
- 以上这些数据只是冰山一角而已:因为只有在疾病预防控制中心的实验室测试后案件才会被确认.许多生病的人只是士兵一些人甚至没有去看医生.
- The cost of keeping a single soldier on the ground now exceeds $ 5 00000 a year-a strong reason for a poorer america to reduce its presence in the region .
- 现在,驻扎在这些地区的每名士兵每年的支出要在50万美元以上,对于财政上日渐捉襟见肘的美国,这是减少其在该地区存在的一个充分理由。