spread out
- Most big retail banks however are not particularly spread out .
- 然而,大多数大型零售银行的分散程度并不特别高。
- But iran 's sites are spread out and some of them hardened against strikes demand repeated hits .
- 但是伊朗的研究地点分散开了,并且有一些加强的反攻击的防御,只有再三的打击才能摧毁。
- Spread out the towel or paper towels on a hard work surface .
- 展开毛巾或纸巾在一个硬的工作面上。
- Spread many electronic pads around on the desk just as you spread out papers .
- 在桌子上摊开许多的电子式垫子,就好像摊开纸一样。
- Spread out in all directions .
- 然后迅速向四面散开。
- You can see the town spread out below .
- 你可以看到整个城镇展现在下面。
- But microwaves spread out as they propagate .
- 但微波在传送过程中会扩散。
- The bird spread out its wings .
- 那只鸟张开了翅膀。
- Now they were spread out in front of me : original memorandums handwritten notes in journals and drafts of various official documents all written in russian .
- 那些文件现在就摊在我面前:原始的备忘录,手写的日志笔记还有很多官方文件的草稿,所有的都是用俄语写的。
- Her algorithms are spread out across many servers ; if any of which were taken down or damaged another would undoubtedly take its place .
- 它的众多运算系统在许多服务器上铺展延伸;要是其中任何一个系统出了问题或遭到破坏,就肯定会有新的去顶替。