- Whoever needs help is welcome to stay behind after class .
- 如果谁需要帮助的话请下课后留下。
- Stay behind me ! There 's one !
- 躲在我后面!那里有一个!
- The legal representative the accountants and the property custodians of the bankrupt enterprise must stay behind for duty .
- 破产企业的法定代表人、财会、财产保管人员必须留守。
- Let the boys go . L 'll stay behind .
- 让年轻人去就行了,我留在这儿坐镇吧。
- First came chinese from state-owned companies but more and more arrive solo or stay behind after finishing contract work .
- 先是来自国企的中国人,然后越来越多的人只身前来,或者在完成合同工作之后留了下来。
- The rest are to stay behind .
- 其馀的人得留下来。
- Ms. akiha 's husband a home builder will stay behind to tend to his business .
- 秋叶知子的丈夫是房屋建筑商,他会留下来继续照料生意。
- The boy preferred to go with us rather than stay behind .
- 这孩子宁愿跟我们一道去而不愿留下。
- Any child would gladly stay behind to help me clean up the classroom .
- 任何孩子都会很乐意留下来帮助我清扫教室的。
- I was told to stay behind after school .
- 我被告知放学后留下。