the last straw
- The last straw that breaks the camel 's back .
- 而是击垮骆驼背的最后那根稻草。
- It 's raining again ! That 's the last straw .
- 又下雨了!真让人忍无可忍。
- The global downturn was the last straw for many exporters already struggling with rising costs especially higher wages and the appreciating yuan .
- 全球经济衰退给了许多出口商致命一击,他们原本就要承受不断上升的成本特别是高昂的工资和不断升值的人民币。
- To suggest that the facebook finally hit the last straw on privacy over the last month assumes users just started caring about the issue .
- 说facebook身上在过去一个月里压上了最后的一根稻草,实际上是在假设用户刚刚开始关心这个问题。
- The last straw seems to have been a newspaper article mr luzhkov published in early september criticising mr medvedev 's decision to suspend construction of a new road between moscow and st petersburg .
- 导致卢日科夫失败的最后一击似乎是他在九月早些时候发表在报纸上的文章,该文章批评梅德韦杰夫中止修建莫斯科至圣彼得堡之间一条新路。
- That was the last straw for mom .
- 那是妈妈最后的救命稻草。
- She told everybody my secret . That 's the last straw .
- 她把我的秘密告诉所有人。真让人忍无可忍。
- That 's the last straw . I got to whup your ass now .
- 那是最后一根稻草.我现在要抽你屁股.
- The last straw that breaks the camelback .
- 意思是压垮骆驼背的最后一根稻草。
- Repeatedly put up with until the last straw sword chop the root situation .
- 闲庭师太一忍再忍,直至忍无可忍,一剑斩情根。