As the name implies, petrochemicals are chemicals made from petroleum, from hydrocarbons found in the latter.
顾名思义, 石油化工产品是从石油中, 从石油的碳氢化合物中提炼出来的化学制品.
Petrochemicals, steel, glass - making and rubber have all expanded to feed auto - making.
石油化学 、 钢铁 、 玻璃制造和橡胶业都为满足汽车制造业而迅速膨胀.
In home appliances, building decoration, mechanical assembly, medical equipment, petrochemicals, furniture, and other fields.
在家电 、 建筑装潢 、 机械装配 、 医疗器械 、 石油化工 、 家具等领域.
Focus primarily on: petrochemicals, oil and gas, power and water, shipping, aviation and telecommunications.
投资方向: 石化 、 油和煤气 、 力和水利 、 运 、 空和电信.
Iran imports consumer goods and machinery from China and exports oil, gas, and petrochemicals.
伊朗从中国进口消费品和机械,向中国出口石油 、 天然气和石化产品.
In the electricity, heat, metallurgy, cement, petrochemicals, natural gas and building industries are widely used.
在电力 、 热力 、 冶金 、 水泥 、 石化 、 天然气、建筑等行业被广泛应用.
FH - 40 C light fraction hydrofining catalyst is developed by Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals ( FRIPP ).
FH -40C 是抚顺石油化工研究院开发的轻质馏分油加氢精制催化剂.
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