Style: Dry red, full - bodied, vanilla oak and plummy taste.
风格: 干红, 酒体丰满,橡木 、 香草、李子味道.
Style: Dry red, medium - bodied, plummy flavors and smooth tannins.
风格: 干红, 中度酒体, 李子气味,丹宁圆润.
Comments: Medimm - Bodied red wine with concentrated blackcurrant and plummy bouquet, velvet texture with vanilla oaks taste.
评语: 酒体中性,富浓郁的黑加仑子香味, 口感柔顺,略带香草橡木味道.
In the mouth sweet and plummy fruit with an impressive vigor, length , and freshness.
在口中,充满甜黑梅子和水果味,富有活力, 令人印象深刻的.
Medimm - Bodied red wine with concentrated blackcurrant and plummy bouquet, velvet texture with vanilla oaks taste.
酒体中性,富浓郁的黑加仑子香味, 口感柔顺,略带香草橡木味道.
"a plummy leading role"
"the radio announcer's plummy voice"
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