- ondip沿倾斜
- seepage up-dip沿倾斜向上的渗出
- updip plunge沿倾斜向上倾伏
- updip injection沿倾斜向上注水
- downdip peripheral injection沿下倾部位边缘注水
- downdip row of production well沿下倾部位生产井排
- down-dip waterflooding沿下倾部位注水
- downdip row of injection well沿下倾部位注水井排
- downdip displacement沿下倾方向驱替
- uplimb thrust fault沿翼上冲断层
- line well drilling沿油藏边界钻井
- slippage past the plunger沿柱塞漏失
- gallery沿油层延展面钻的斜井,坑道
- across pitch沿走向
- hot arid zone炎热干旱区
- crown for chilled shot,drag shoe研钢砂钻头
- drag shoe研钢砂钻头,磨鞋,闸瓦
- research研究
- research研究,调查,探讨,研究工作
- research report研究报告
- RDB研究发展局
- R-M spread研究法-马达法辛烷值差
- research octane number研究法辛烷值
- research program研究方案
- RDAMS研究和开发分析模拟系统
- research papers研究论文
- research center研究中心
- degree of grind,degree of grinding研磨程度
- whet研磨,激励,刺激物,刺激
- face off研磨端面
- abrasive formation研磨性地层
- abrasiveness研磨性
- abrasive hardness研磨硬度
- seminar研讨会
- abrasive brick研磨砖
- salt anticline盐背斜
- development plan研制计划
- salt-generated paleostructure盐成古构造
- Yanchi county盐池
- salt-motivated uplift盐成隆起
- salt glacier盐川
- salt diapirism盐底辟作用
- salt diapir盐刺穿
- salinity logging盐度测井
- halocline盐度跃层
- salinity correction factor盐度校正系数
- saline dispersion halo盐分散晕
- halokinesis盐构造学,盐类构造作用
- salt-roof rock盐盖层
- salt-cored structure盐核构造
- salt base mud盐基泥浆
- salt-sinter盐华
- Saline and alkaline land盐碱滩
- Salt well盐井
- salt crystal盐晶
- exeme盐垒
- silicalite盐壳
- salt deposits盐类沉积
- saline mineral盐类矿物
- salinastone盐类岩