board out
- Mr. dimon recommended the move to the board out of prudence said a person familiar with the matter adding that the suspension wasn 't driven by a regulatory request .
- 据一位知情人士说,戴蒙出于谨慎的目的向摩根大通董事会建议停止此次股票回购,这一决定不是应监管部门的要求而做出的。
- I 'll board out my child with mrs brown .
- 我将把孩子寄在布朗太太家膳宿。
- The child was board out for the summer .
- 暑假期间,孩子们在外面寄宿。
- A draft of the new rule is set to be approved by the federal reserve board and put out for public comment within weeks .
- 一份新规草案将在几周内获得美联储董事会通过,并公开征求意见。
- We 've already got musicians on board . Get out !
- 我们船上已经有乐手了,走吧!
- I 'll board out my children with my neighbour .
- 我将把孩子们寄在邻居家膳宿。
- The governing board forced her out in part over suggestions that she was not moving fast enough into this new world of online education .
- 董事会撤掉沙利文,某种程度上是考虑她还没有尽快适应网络课程这一新领域。
- Skiers who want to do this trick should practice first either on a trampoline or a diving board before trying it out on a snow slope .
- 想学习这个动作的滑雪爱好者在雪道上正式练习前,应当先在蹦床或者跳水板上熟悉此动作。
- The sanitary board tries to stamp out the epidemic .
- 卫生局试图消灭这种流行病。
- The board has no legal binding authority fauci points out .
- 福西指出,该委员会没有法定的、有约束力的授权。