bring to an end
基本解释v. 使结束;煞尾
- In contrast with a depression a recession is relatively easy to bring to an end .
- 与萧条相比,衰退可以比较容易地结束。
- If once we really felt the responsibility of our own actions how quickly we could bring to an end all these wars this appalling misery !
- 如果我们真的感到了我们的行为的责任,我们会更迅速终结战争,终结这巨大的痛苦!
- The new treaty will bring to an end the long war .
- 新的谈判将使长久的战争结束。
- Sure it rankled that apple took 30 % but hey at least it would bring to an end the parasitic free riding that was endemic on the web .
- 没错,苹果拿走三成是让人不爽,但是,这至少可以结束网络上永远免费的惯例。
- The release could bring to an end an embarrassing setback for wal-mart in a crucial growth market .
- 员工获释,可能会结束沃尔玛在中国这个关键市场陷入尴尬困境的局面。
- Will the troubles in the us subprime market pass by as a little local difficulty or will they start a rout across capital markets and bring to an end the great bull run in a broad range of asset classes ?
- 美国次级抵押贷款市场的问题,是会作为一个小小的局部难题擦身而过呢,还是会形成一场跨资本市场的骚乱,结束众多资产类别的大牛市?
- The unveiling of the second bail-out plan for fannie mae and freddie mac on september 7th-to say nothing of the dwindling fortunes of lehman brothers in the succeeding days-was a reminder that the credit crunch is proving infuriatingly difficult to bri
- 对房利美和房地美的二次营救计划于九月七日隆重登场但是,两房的发迹日对于财富正在缩水的雷曼兄弟来说已经无关紧要了这提醒人们一个令人泄气的现实,信贷紧缩依然难以终结。
- The meeting would bring to an end what amounted to a four-month chinese boycott of the french leader and remove a serious impediment to warmer ties between china and the eu more generally .
- 此次会面将结束中国对法国领导人长达4个月的抵制,消除中国与更广泛的欧盟地区建立更友好关系的一个严重障碍。
- Two things : the success of airbus in achieving rough market-share parity at the end of the 1990s and resentment over launch aid for the a380 the superjumbo designed to bring to an end the long reign of the 747 .
- 两方面原因:上世纪90年代末空客取得市场份额的领先地位,以及对a380客机的设计获得发动援助的怨恨,这个超级客机终结了波音747长期以来的统治地位。
- Slowing economies from the u.s. to china increasingly wary shoppers recession in much of europe and a stronger dollar could bring to an end at least 10 continuous quarters of profit growth for america 's biggest
- 美国、中国等经济体增长放缓,消费者越来越谨慎,欧洲大片地区陷入衰退,美元汇率走强,这一切都有可能结束美国大企业至少连续10个季度的利润增长。