break with
- That hardly suggests a decisive break with the imbalances of old .
- 这可很难证明,中国已经与过去那种失衡的经济增长模式决裂。
- Isn 't your great achievement to break with the traditional subordination of women ?
- 你的伟大成就不就是打破了传统的妇女从属地位吗?
- In another break with tradition huawei also looks abroad for senior managers .
- 与一般作法相左的另外一点是,华为还把物色高级管理人员的目光投向海外。
- Yet caixa is not exaggerating about the break with the past that its new rates represent .
- 然而储蓄银行毫不夸张,其新的利率代表了对过去的突破。
- For those who think hungary needs a radical break with the sleaze and statism of the past eight years change is welcome .
- 对那些认为匈牙利需要和过去八年的集权主义和腐败彻底说再见的人来说,变革大受欢迎。
- Mr obama 's decision also marks a clear break with recent american policy .
- 奥巴马先生的决策更是其与近期对美政策的决裂的标志。
- She 's been depressed since the break with her boy friend .
- 她自从与男朋友断绝关系以来一直情绪消沉.
- I am afraid you couldn 't break with her once for all .
- 恐怕你不能和她一刀两断。
- Many of his supporters regarded his decision to release the torture memos as another example of his determination to break with the past .
- 他的许多支持者认为他决心公布拷问备忘录标志着他与过去决裂的决心。
- At a recent dinner in tokyo senior business leaders posed an intriguing scenario for japan 's recovery if not revival : this is the moment for japan to break with the past and move closer to china .
- 最近在东京举办的一个晚宴上,商界资深领袖就日本的复苏(乃至复兴)提出了一个令人感兴趣的设想:即现在是日本告别过去、靠拢中国的时刻。