bridge over
- The bridge over there shouldn 't be missed .
- 前面那座桥是不能不去的。
- They are said to be building another bridge over the river .
- 据说他们正在这条河上修另一座大桥。
- With government aid the villagers built a paved road leading toward the village as well as a bridge over a gully that floods during monsoon season .
- 在政府帮助下,村民们铺建了通向村庄的道路,在一个雨季会发洪水的小河上架设了一座桥。
- The rail the bridge over river and arch gate across street are built in stone .
- 围栏、河上的桥梁以及街上的拱门皆由石头建造而成。
- The government is planning to build a big bridge over the river .
- 政府正在计划在这条河上建一座大桥。
- See the bridge over there ?
- 看见那座桥了吗?
- This bridge built in 1951-1955 is the first automobile tram and pedestrian bridge over ob in novosibirsk .
- 这座桥,建造于1951年至1955年,是第一座集汽车,电车及人行道兼具的桥。
- Plans are under way to build a 30km bridge over the sea to a huge largely artificial island on which a deep-water container terminal will be built .
- 建设30公里长大桥的计划已经紧密锣鼓的进行,该桥跨越海域连接一座在建的巨大的人造深水集装箱码头。
- Cctv images captured last august near minnesota 's i-35 bridge over the mississippi illustrate the changing relationship between americans and their roads .
- 去年8月在美国明尼苏达州横跨密西西比河的i-35公路大桥附近捕捉到的一组闭路电视图像,说明了美国人与道路之间关系的变化。
- The bridge over that river was built last year .
- 那条河上的桥是去年建的。