descend from
- I will therefore descend from heaven and be reborn in the shape of my pudgy grandson kim jong un .
- 我将因此从天国降临,并以我的孙子,金正恩的矮胖外形重生。
- It is hauled inside the walls of troy and greek soldiers descend from the horse 's belly after dark to slay the guards and commence destruction of the city .
- 它被拖入特洛伊城中,藏身其中的希腊士兵在天色渐暗后从木马腹部钻出来,杀死了警卫,并开始摧毁这座城市。
- And because mitochondria descend from a bacterium that about 2 billion years ago became symbiotic with the cell from which animals and plants are descended they have their own small chromosomes .
- 线粒体起源于一种细菌,大约20亿年前,变成与动植物祖先细胞共生在一起,它们有自己的染色体。
- Koch 's choice of lunch venue - lamentable for an interviewer who has volunteered to descend from new york 's culinary heaven for a full two days - is in keeping with his no-frills persona .
- 科克对这个午餐地点的选择,符合他那种朴实无华的个性对于我这样一个自愿离开纽约美食天堂整整两天的采访者来说,却很悲惨。
- Kjv for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god : and the dead in christ shall rise first .
- 和合繁因为主必亲自从天降临,有呼叫的声音和天使长的声音,又有神的号吹响;那在基督里死了的人必先复活。
- Be careful when you descend from the ladder .
- 从梯子上下来时一定要小心。
- According to the bible we is all descend from adam .
- 据圣经所载,我们全是亚当的后裔。
- Cliff descending is to descend from this cliff .
- 崖降就是从这悬崖下去。
- These ideas descend from those of the ancient philosophers .
- 这些观点来源于那些古代哲学家的思想。
- Mother thenardier released her daughters made them descend from the swing and said : -- .
- 德纳第妈妈把她两个女儿解下了,叫她们从秋千上下来,说道。