- As I pointed out the men who frequent love doll establishements are silent shy types who feel much more comfortable with a doll that a real woman . Plus they can dress the doll up however they like put different wigs on it
- 我要指出,这些喜欢玩偶的都是安静害羞类型的人.他们会感觉与一个玩偶相处更舒服.此外,他们可以给这些娃按照自己的喜好打扮,带上不同的假发,可以假装他们在与一个理想中的动漫女孩睡觉.
- We used to doll ourselves up and go into town .
- 我们过去总要把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的再进城去。
- A girl will doll herself up for him who loves her .
- 女为悦己者容。
- I 'm not going to doll myself up just to go to the shops .
- 只去逛逛商店,我不准备打扮得漂漂亮亮。
- Baby doll ring up the post get me suzy .
- 洋娃娃,给邮局打电话,帮我找苏西。
- Why does eating doll heads fill you up ?
- 为什么吃玩具能满足你?
- This guy looks like a paper doll got cut up and pasted back together .
- 这家伙仿佛纸娃娃被剪下来再拼凑回去似的。
- Positive doll 's eye response.is she waking up ?
- 恢复玩偶眼睛现象她醒过来了?
- Dress up your paper doll with fashion like spaghetti strap .
- 像意粉表带时尚扮靓您的纸娃娃。
- Sister picked up a doll for me to play with .
- 妹妹拿来布娃娃和我玩儿。