drag on
基本解释将…拖上来;<非正>拖时间; 拖延;深吸
- Increased protectionism may also be starting to drag on trade .
- 不断增强的保护主义可能也开始拖缓贸易。
- This has acted as a drag on growth and caused political conflict .
- 这已经拖了经济增长的后腿并引起政治冲突。
- This cheerful duet looks set to drag on .
- 这项愉快的二重奏必定会被拖延。
- Emergency austerity programmes in some countries will put a drag on growth .
- 部分国家实施的紧急财政紧缩计划将拖累经济增长。
- Now they are moving money out again on balance making them a drag on the market .
- 如今他们整体上正在再次把资金转移出去,这让个人投资者变成了市场的阻力。
- Going forward these two sectors should not be a big drag on growth .
- 展望未来一段时间,这两个行业不应对增长造成很大拖累。
- A credible and effective policy response that reduced uncertainty would alleviate the drag on global and uk spending .
- 高效、可信地作出政策回应可以降低拖累全球和英国消费的市场不确定性。
- This year the icbc investment has been a major drag on goldman 's financial results .
- 今年以来,对工商银行的投资已经成为拖累高盛财务业绩的主要因素。
- Continuing high energy costs could drag on trade in both countries in the coming months .
- 持续高企的能源价格,可能会在将来几个月对两国外贸都形成拖累。
- Or the case could drag on .
- 不然,案件就将拖延。