First and foremost you need a tax system that foreign capital finds attractive but still pays the bills .
By creating a business that sought customer convenience first and foremost bezos defied the odds and came out swinging .
First and foremost business education should be collaborative .
First and foremost will amazon finally release a full color kindle ?
Mr daniels thinks that vouchers are first and foremost a question of social justice .
First and foremost we must renew the foundation of america 's strength .
First and foremost we believe that they wish to take away our property .
First and foremost as experience in other asian economies has demonstrated it is hard to persuade an investor to divert savings away from a strongly performing domestic market .
First and foremost greece should not leave the euro .
Obamacare has taken the most idiosyncratic feature of american health care-the fact that the onus for providing health insurance falls first and foremost on companies rather than on individuals or the government-and set it in concrete