- My answer is - at first or last one !
- 我的答案是第一眼或最后一眼!
- He will marry the girl first or last .
- 他迟早都会和那个女孩结婚。
- I s that y o ur first or last name ?
- 那是你的姓还是名?
- Are you the first or last to learn what is happening in your department company or profession ?
- 在你的部门、公司或者职位上发生的变化你是第一个还是最后一个知道的?
- It makes no matter whether you arrive first or last - there 's enough food for everyone .
- 大家早到晚到都无关紧要不管什么时候,都有足够的东西吃。
- You may do it first or last ; I 'm sure he doesn 't care as long as you do it .
- 那件事你早做迟做都可以;我相信,只要你做,他是不会在乎早晚的。
- You are regularly the first or last or the only person in your gym .
- 你经常第一个或最后,或在你的健身房唯一的人。
- It makes no matter whether you arrive first or last - there 's enough food for everyone whatever time they arrive .
- 大家早到晚到都无关紧要----不管什么时候,都有足够的东西吃。
- When a menu or submenu is visible select the first or last command on the menu or submenu .
- 在显示某一菜单或子菜单时,选择其上的第一个或最后一个命令。
- The renminbi not for the first or last time is the subject of a cacophonous debate in washington and rising tensions between the us and china .
- 人民币再次成为华盛顿不和谐论战的主题、中美紧张关系升级的导火索,这不是第一次,也不会是最后一次。